
This Blog is for those who prefers healthy food.


Hello! First of all a very warm welcome to my food blogging site. My name is Tapan. I’m a self taught cook by passion and Engineer by profession from Assam, India. I started this blog in 2020 and named it as Hygienemeal for it is related to healthy foods which is quite necessary for our good health.

By now you might have known that I’m totally obsessed with food. I love reading about food and health and above all I love cooking very much. Good food with good company, can it be better than that?

Apart from that, I am also very much conscious about Health and Fitness. I believe that to maintain a fit and healthy body, nutritious foods play a major role. Long back, I started keeping track of all my daily calorie intakes and all the required nutrients. 

This blog is all about celebrating healthy foods that is authentic and nourishing. Though I am a beginner in this journey, but I am hopeful that I will be learning and can provide you all with best experiences throughout my journey. Thanks a lot!